- minhnguyen
- 11May
- Net zero process
TCFD rules pervade the financial and ESG reporting landscape
Using a sustainability platform like CarbonView becomes more important as the requirements for disclosure become more wide reaching. In 2015, at the inauguration of the Paris Agreement, the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) was created by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) to develop recommendations on the types of information that companies should disclose […]

- minhnguyen
- 21Apr
- Net zero process
A smooth transition to Net Zero requires a strategic plan
In the recently released IPCC report “Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability”, one of the conclusions was that “multiple climate hazards will occur simultaneously, and multiple climatic and non-climatic risks will interact, resulting in compounding overall risk and risks cascading across sectors and regions.”The IPCC doesn’t have to convince me that climatic conditions are […]

- minhnguyen
- 07Mar
- Net zero process
Financing carbon emission reduction from SMEs to governments
Everybody is aware that governments and corporations all around the world have made commitments to become net zero. The term net zero has three limbs: 1. Calculate the carbon footprint. 2. Reduce GHG emissions to a minimum. 3. Offset the residual emissions. That seems fairly straight forward on the surface of it but misunderstanding abounds […]

- minhnguyen
- 17Feb
- Net zero process
What are the SDGs and is there progress?
This blog is written to inform readers of the state-of-play of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The content, in-the-main is sobering. However, in following blogs we will write about what SMEs can do in their day-to-day operations to help the world to reach some of the goals. In 2015 the United Nations General […]

- minhnguyen
- 09Feb
- Net zero process
Carbon Offsetting – Part 2
This Blog is a follow up to our Blog Carbon – Offsetting Part 1. The diagram below is an overview of the structure of the carbon offset markets. The players in these markets are indicated by the labelled boxes. The same players exist in both the Compliance Carbon Markets (CCM) and the Voluntary Carbon Markets (VCM). […]

- minhnguyen
- 25Jan
- Net zero process
Implementing TCFD recommendations – CarbonView can assist you!
In our last blog, we briefly reviewed the requirements of the Task Force on Climate-Related Disclosure (TCFD), alluding to the fact that its recommendations are being adopted by the large ESG frameworks and even within the regime of new government regulations on mandatory ESG disclosure. In this blog, we list recommended actions to meet TCFD […]

- minhnguyen
- 18Jan
- Net zero process
TCFD recommendations
In our last blog, we referred to the alphabet soup of organisations involved in ESG. An organisation’s name that kept cropping up though, was the Task Force on Climate-Related Disclosure (TCFD). Currently, its recommendations are being adopted by the large ESG frameworks and even within the regime of new government regulations on mandatory ESG disclosure. […]

- minhnguyen
- 15Dec
- Net zero process
ESG – a brief history of its development – Part 2
In our previous blog titled “ESG – a brief history of its development – Part 1”, we referred to The Triple Bottomline concept, a framework that balances a company’s social, environmental and economic impacts. Its underlying purpose was to help transform a financial accounting-focused business system to a more comprehensive approach in measuring impact and […]

- minhnguyen
- 08Dec
- Net zero process
ESG – a brief history of its development – Part 1
The acronym ESG is short for environmental, social and governance. ESG is a process of quantifying an organisation’s commitment to social and environmental factors. It uses specific metrics related to the intangible assets of an organisation that are applied to tabulate a score of the level of this commitment. That is, a corporate social credit score. The […]

- minhnguyen
- 03Dec
- Net zero process
More on Article 6
In the last blog, we noted one of the outcomes of COP26 was the Article 6 agreement to a set of unified and internationally-controlled standards including provisions to avoid situations where the same emissions reductions are claimed by multiple companies or countries. The focus of the agreement relates to Articles 6.2, 6.4 and 6.8. Article […]